i am not really one to ogle machines (except maybe the occasional sweet ride be it car, truck, or motorcycle), and i'm even less interested in the aspect of war machines. that said, i was fascinated by watching the f/a 22 raptors flying overhead today. we live close to an air force base, and these planes are loud, fast, and basically wicked pissah! i couldn't help it. i was enthralled and excited, and in classic hoyden fashion, compelled to watch top gun!
even cooler than seeing these things on a once-in-a-while basis is that my seven year old is equally fascinated with them. i may never see one up close, and i know that i really don't want to hear them any closer, but they are amazingly agile acrobats of the sky and i heart them!
so thats what was rattling the pictures off the wall earlier today? geesh!
You'd like my husband's KLR 650, then.
We call my daughter "tank," but it is soooo in a joking manner. Ugh. Well, at least those noises occurred during the day, right?
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