in true hoyden-fashion, i gave everyone a laugh today. i was the first one to the building having found a shortcut a student told me about. this shortcut is amazing and shaved about 20 minutes off of my commute. being that i was there so early, i happily unlocked the back door with my key and bebopped myself into the breakroom.
about five minutes later, an alarm goes off. yes, i did it. i set off the alarm to the building! it's only been two weeks! i had no idea there was an alarm to begin with. oops!
the funniest part is not that i set off the alarm that is set off at least once a month. it is, however, that a uniformed officer came to the school and walked around looking for someone, anyone. he found me! they never send officers out when this happens. and if one does come in, he/she reports to the front desk, all cleared up. not so much today.
instead, cutie officer and i walked the whole school. i did not fess up to the alarm with him. i do have some pride.
You failed to mention that the officer came like HOURS after the alarm went off! :)
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