
too tired to sleep ...

i know you all think you know tired. tired is the word we use when we yawn or stay up a little too late. well, you don't know from tired!

i've birthed two babies, nursed them through countless sleepless nights, worked since i was 16, and did way too much all the way through high school and college to the point where i started passing out due to allergies ... but now i know tired.

my soul is tired. my hair is tired. my eyes are tired. in fact, the only molecules of my body that are not tired are those in my brain. i just can't seem to turn the sucker off. any ideas for how to shift into low gear?

work, kids, life are all running through my head. my schedule has taken a turn for the crazy and now i'm having that "dissertation defeat" setting in. i need to get out of the funk, folks. maybe a day of writing on sunday will do just that. feeling as though you've accomplished something can wake you up a bit.


At 10:43 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't wait for you to meet Marla tomorrow and hear her speak. I think you'll enjoy her and just might get inspired ;)

At 4:22 PM, Blogger M said...

It does sound like you need some inspiration! I want you to know I laugh everytime I think of you backing yourself into the drink in Nantucket!

My thoughts are with you.



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