
and just who is supposed to change...

ok, i've been very grown up lately, thinking and discussing my personality differences with various individuals. i've come to the conclusion that i finally have an understanding of me and how i work (for the most part). the problem is that since i now know how i work, who is responsible for adjusting?

i've realized that i need to turn off my emotions. i am an emotional gal no doubt, but what happens is that folks see my frustration as i tear up, but they believe that my tears turn on and my logic turns off. this is not always the case. tears and logic are not mutually exclusive. tears and calm voice do not negate thought out information and presented logic. tears and loud voice, ranting, and throwing shoes may negate these things...

but, i also know that i need time between information and further discussion. however, this time does not include weeks, days, or even hours. instead, i need minutes. i need to call back and leave a voicemail. i need a few minutes of distraction to regroup. i do not need more than that, and if i have more than that, i will most likely obsess and fester. i may even create scenarios that are not practical or apparent. but my creativity and love for analysis can lead me down some roads that haven't even been forged yet.

so i know these things... great. now what do i do with them? do i communicate them to those who may have to deal with them? do i alter myself to fit the things others do? or do i do my best to use these tactics without expecting others to understand them?

basically, who is responsible for understanding, accepting, and dealing with who and how i am? aren't there rules for this somewhere?


At 9:24 AM, Blogger Sally-Anne said...

I'd say you're supposed to accept it about yourself, not change it, use your knowledge, and only make others understand your approaches if they ask to. The people worth having in your life will make the effort to learn about you and react/interact accordingly. You give others that courtesy and deserve it too!

At 4:03 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

You start by knowing who you are, always recognizing that the who you are today may not be the same person next week, month, year, though much will be the same.

And you accept who you are, always recognizing that you may at some point wish to change some aspect -- not necessarily because you have to but because you want to for whatever reason.

Those who care about you will either learn who you are or make the attempt to. And they'll accept you wherever you are in your journey. Everyone else, well, really, who much cares what everyone else thinks?


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