
addressing the change...

i truly don't feel alone this holiday season. i may have earlier, but not now. i know i have friends and family, and those three kids of mine afterall, and they are all overly supportive and ready to listen to whatever gripes i feel the need to gripe.

the problem is, however, holiday cards. he didn't change his address when he left. that means i still get all of our bills for the house and all of his junk mail. he did take his personal bills with him, but i'm now receiving joint holiday cards from his friends and family. mine all know better. his, however, do not. in fact, some of them truly do know better, but they address them to mr. and mrs. and send them here anyway.

i don't open them, just like i don't open his other mail. they are his after all. they were his friends and family before me, and they will be after me. but it sucks. he doesn't have to sort through things at his place that are addressed to me. he doesn't have to look at what were once our joint decorations. and he doesn't have to explain to anyone about anything, obviously. in fact, i think my card, complete with a pic of me and the boys and obviously missing his name, may be the first time some people in his life hear that he left. and the thing is, i tried to be very careful. i tried not to send to his family and friends. but there are some, as there always are, that you just have to say hello to. they were joint friends and/or family members who meant a lot to me. so, i wonder if i'll be answering their questions as well. i can hope, if nothing else, that he gets the phone calls. of course, that means he'd have had to share his number, and since we know he didn't share his address, that's not something i see...


At 11:06 AM, Blogger Sally-Anne said...

Ironically, I'm having similar issues with holiday cards this year. Every day my dad reports receiving cards from more and more random people who don't know my mom died this year, addressing the cards to her or to all three of us. It's not the same as your situation, of course; I can't expect my mom to have told everyone she died and have taken "her" friends with her, whereas I think it's totally reasonable that you wish that of him!

At 11:33 PM, Blogger Red Fraggle said...

Wow, you have a lot of restraint. I think I would just go to usps.gov and fill out a change of address form for him so that I didn't have to sort through everything. After all, his friends and family wouldn't know the mail hadn't been forwarded, but you wouldn't have to look at it.

Actually, what I more probably do would be throw the cards in the fire. And then roast chestnuts over them. While imagining they weren't chestnuts but actually...something else. :)


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