
down for the count...

i did it! i went to bed! i didn't have much of a choice, but i did it.

my mom is up from florida helping me out with the kids since the baby daddy is out of town. it seems my body decided it was done for a bit. mum was here to help and my body was done. i got sick. i got sick and i slept for 6 hours on monday. it wasn't the best way to take time off, but i did it and it felt amazing.

i also realized i don't miss him this week. he's gone, and i don't miss him. i wonder if i miss him at all. i wonder if i just miss someone. mum is doing a great job and the kids are happy as can be. pretty cool thing to realize on your 10th anniversary... not what i expected to figure out, but nice nonetheless.

asbestos cancer