i get knocked down....

and hope to get up again? if only the chumbawumba had given more directions in their song. maybe then i'd know how to recover from the tko punch landed to the jaw. alas, no directions. merely statements of fact.
it seems not to fail that rain becomes hurricane when life goes a bit off course. i have a new insurance bill to pay now. yep, he took me off the insurance two weeks before he told me and now i have yet another debt to pay. oh, and that is only about a quarter of what the deductible will cost for the roof i need.
however, that's merely money. i'm more thrown off by the excessive lies (although i would hope that more than a total lack of lies is excessive) being thrown at me. i've felt insane for almost two years now, and suddenly realize, "hey, guess what? i'm not an idiot. i was right." however, being right doesn't make it hurt less. yep, lies on lies on lies. and now we've moved to personal attacks. those are fun. the real issue is that they aren't even creative. so, lack of points for that especially.